"The Painting" is the illustrated story of an artist who finds new friends within the frame of his artwork. Young and old readers will be delighted by the turn of events found in "The Painting" as the artist Frank is surprised by what he discovers in his painting. The Painting is an award-winning story written and illustrated by 9 year old Ian McCalister.
"The Painting" is the first children's book offered by Saint Austin's Press. It is a short picture book written and illustrated by 9 year old Ian McCalister. "The Painting" is currently only offered via Kindle. Saint Austin's Press is also working on a print edition to be released in 2018.
The book is only $1.50 on Kindle! A link to the Kindle edition is here.
About the author:
year old Ian McCalister wrote and illustrated this book. Ian loves to
write and illustrate stories, and this story is just one of many, but
the first to be published.
won first place in his grade at the 2017 PBS Kids Writers Contest for
Central Illinois, sponsored by WTVP. In the photo above, Ian is
waiting for an interview on WMBD to discuss his story, “The